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As the digital world deepens its roots globally, businesses and organizations are upgrading their technical systems with AI. This advancement has accelerated more after the COVID era, where artificial intelligence (AI) has progressed in language models. Now that it’s out there, everyone is watching ChatGPT analyze the benefits and drawbacks of this advanced technology.

Understand the basics of ChatGPT.

ChatGPT is an AI-powered natural language processing tool that lets you converse with the chatbot in a genuine, conversational tone and do much more. You can ask the language model questions and get help with activities like writing code, essays, and e-mails.

OpenAI, an AI research and deployment company, developed ChatGPT, a high-tech chatbot capable of managing natural discussions on many topics. Machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) algorithms, two branches of AI, work together to accomplish this.

The GPT-3 language model is its central component; it has been trained using vast quantities of data collected from many sources, including books, articles, internet content, social media posts, and more. It allows ChatGPT to produce responses and content that are intelligent, well-structured, appropriate, and grammatically sound. In addition to correcting false beliefs, improper demands, and even blunders, ChatGPT may also admit when it’s wrong.

ChatGPT developers aim to glean more information from users as the program has been available for free since its launch. The latest version, powered by GPT-4, is available through subscription services that OpenAI has set up.

The stress factor of Chat GPT

The dark side of ChatGPT soon became a source of concern for many sectors. Educators were among the first to speak out when asked about the potential dangers of this technology to academic honesty. Among Stanford University students surveyed anonymously, 17% reported using ChatGPT for quarter-end tests and assignments. A study showing that ChatGPT “performed at or near the passing threshold” for the U.S. Medical Licence Examinations set off alarm bells for the healthcare business. People who use ChatGPT as a substitute for a doctor frequently end up with the wrong diagnosis. Many people go to doctor’s offices for unneeded procedures and appointments, which makes people anxious.

Chat GPT and E-Mail security.

Cybersecurity, especially e-mail and phishing security, is an industry that affects every single one of us. Upon its initial release, ChatGPT captivated the interest of IT and cybersecurity experts due to its impressive capabilities. It could craft convincing phishing e-mails, write code, translate code between languages, and even create malware-free complex malware.

Shortly after ChatGPT was released, BlackBerry Global Research surveyed 1,500 IT decision-makers, providing further evidence of these concerns. There were worries expressed by all participants, even though they all think ChatGPT has the potential to do good.

  • ChatGPT was recognized as a possible cybersecurity risk by 75% of the participants.
  • Most people (53%) think it will make phishing e-mails sound more credible and convincing.
  • 49% believe it will help novice hackers learn more technical things and improve their work.

Due to the apparent dangers, OpenAI updated ChatGPT to refuse requests for malware. However, methods to “jailbreak” the system were quickly developed, as is typical with hackers. To rephrase, hackers have figured out how to use ChatGPT to create malware, hacking scripts, and phishing e-mails by evading security mechanisms. OpenAI acknowledges the limits of ChatGPT and continues to fight this war, but they also recognize that the model will sometimes respond to damaging instructions or exhibit biased behavior.

Artificial Intelligence- Blessing or a Curse

A “good vs. evil” reminder appears necessary due to the negative light that ChatGPT’s release has cast on artificial intelligence.

Hey there, buddy! It was in the early 1950s that AI initially gained attention. Numerous valuable programs have been created since then that can make our lives better. Siri, Alexa, and even Netflix suggestions are commonplace AI applications. You must admit that Google Maps is a lifesaver and that smart home devices depend on AI. Advanced AI systems may detect cancer, foretell the effects of climate change, and select the most suitable crops for regions experiencing food shortages. To help deaf youngsters learn to read, AI can translate written text into sign language. AI will keep us safe no matter where or what we’re doing.

The hackers will only rest once they find a new and better approach to conducting phishing attacks. As a result, scammers will keep using ChatGPT to create more convincing phishing e-mails. We should also anticipate a slew of new hackers latching on to ChatGPT and using it to create malware in areas lacking its defenses. Nonetheless, there is yet hope.

2b Innovation’s AI system is there to rescue

It is a well-known fact that ChatGPT could be better and could give hackers an edge. The explanation that “ChatGPT sometimes writes plausible sounding but incorrect or nonsensical answers” is provided by OpenAI. Additionally, it is stated that “given one phrasing of a question, the model can claim not to know the answer, but given a slight rephrase, can answer correctly.” Phishers still benefit significantly from ChatGPT despite its shortcomings. The question then becomes, what is the strategy for victory? You defeat cyber criminals with a more intelligent e-mail security solution than ChatGPT.

Combining 2b Innovations’ most powerful AI anti-phishing technology and some good old-fashioned human decision-making is the winning cocktail when fighting phishing threats. Even harmful e-mails created with ChatGPT are caught by 2b Innovations, along with zero-day assaults, malware, and Business E-mail Compromise (BEC).

2b Innovations starts with high-level analysis and automatically scanning all e-mails. After 2b Innovations finishes analyzing an e-mail for phishing attempts, it displays one of sixty interactive banners that alert the viewer to the level of danger posed by the e-mail. A neutral color, grey means nothing. A word of warning: yellow. Warning: red light. Ultimately, the banners educate and direct users to make better e-mail security decisions by explaining the issue.

E-mail security is still a big plus for MSPs.

In addition, BlackBerry’s ChatGPT survey confirmed that businesses are keen on deploying e-mail security solutions. Almost half of the IT decision-makers surveyed (48%) intend to invest in AI-driven cybersecurity by the end of 2023, and 82% plan to do so in the following two years. Now is the ideal moment to join 2b Innovation as a Partner, given the degree of potential we have. With our e-mail phishing technology, you can protect your customers and attract new ones. Additionally, your clients will receive regular updates on the hazards you have helped them avoid with 2b Innovation through the automated reporting feature.

Discover all the benefits our MSP Partners enjoy and find out more about the AI that powers 2b Innovation. Contact us now to set up your complimentary 2b Innovation demo.

The behavioral e-mail security platform 2b Innovation has won multiple awards for its ability to prevent phishing attempts, stop data breaches, and advise users on how to make wise choices. Using interactive e-mail banners, 2b Innovation acts as a cybersecurity coach, alerting users to questionable behaviors and guiding them to take safe actions on any device or e-mail client. Nobody on the IT staff has to deal with the hassle of manually filtering all incoming e-mails or keeping track of different systems. Using cutting-edge innovation and user-friendly interaction, 2b Innovation permanently blocks phishers. Discover why 2b Innovation is trusted by so many enterprises for their e-mail security.

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